Accessing and navigating online schooling can be more difficult for Autistic students. We hope these tips may help some students. They are not a formula and each student’s needs should be considered individually.
Start with a timetable that is linear and straightforward without multiple options or instructions.
Make it clear to everyone involved that teachers, parents and students are all working together during this time of online learning.
Allow flexibility in tasks and submission of work.
Provide formal and informal ways for students to connect during the week.
Connect with interests such as running optional online interest groups for students to join and provide interest based learning opportunities.
Provide regular, planned opportunities to connect with ‘safe’ people.
Monitor students to make sure they are pacing themselves with breaks, exercise and eating.
Prioritise the well being of students and families through direct encouragement and support.
CLICK HERE – Enabling Autistic Students Online – Tips for Teachers pdf
About us: We are a proudly Autistic-led and predominantly Autistic-staffed organisation – the largest of our kind in Australia. We deliver group mentoring to thousands of Autistic young people ages 9-20 across the country via school programs, online group mentoring and community events. We share our Autistic insights through personal stories, professional development and consultancy work and offer free webinars worldwide. And we provide paid employment opportunities to dozens of Autistics who help design and deliver our game-changing programs.
Our I CAN team and supporters are driven by a shared vision of creating a world that embraces Autism.
For more tips and resources, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or visit our YouTube channel.
Our vision needs everyone.
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Take care,
I CAN Network Team.