David has a private business background with 40 years’ experience as owner and manager of companies involved in manufacture, import/ export and distribution, property development, franchising and telecommunications. David is on the Board of Social Venture Partners Melbourne: a group which has been an instrumental partner to I CAN Network since 2015. With I CAN Ltd, David backed the 2018 business development of online mentoring and brings expertise to the Board in the areas of business development, online service delivery, philanthropy and sponsorship.

Julia is an experienced leader in Catholic schools in Victoria. Julia has held roles including Director of Teaching and Learning in a Marist school and is currently Director of Faith and Mission at Marymede Catholic College: a large P-12 Catholic College in outer northern Melbourne. At Marymede, Julia enabled the successful 2014 – 2015 pilot of I CAN Network’s program in secondary schools. Julia brings expertise to I CAN Ltd in the areas of Catholic schools, education, youth programs and child protection. In addition to her directorship, Julia is a Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) Hearing Panel Member and Secretary of the Mill Park Junior Football Club.

Anthony is an experienced business leader. Anthony is Director of Boyle’s Livestock Transport: a leading transport company based out of Victoria’s South West. Anthony and wife Lisa were one of the first investors in I CAN Network. Their investment was instrumental in setting up I CAN Network in South West Victoria which inspired similar regional satellites in Victoria and Queensland. Anthony and Lisa are the proud parents of an Autistic son. Anthony brings expertise to I CAN Ltd in the areas of Autistic lived experience, business development, fundraising and sponsorship.


Chris is an Autistic law graduate and a pioneer of Autistic-led service provision in Australia. Chris has a background in children’s rights and youth programs, having been 2009 Australian Youth Representative to the UN and World Vision Australia’s Manager of Youth. Chris founded I CAN Network in 2013 and as Chief Enabling Officer has grown it into Australia’s largest Autistic-led organisation with 38 Autistic staff and 1,500+ students in the program nationally. Chris was a 2018 Victorian Australian of the Year Finalist and recipient of the 2017 Supreme Court of Victoria’s Best Achievement in Human Rights Award. Chris also serves as National Patron of the Australian Association for Special Education and is on the Advisory Board of Learning Creates Australia. Chris married his wife Karen in 2019 and is a proud father to son, George.

Tiffany is an Autistic psychotherapist with a 13 year background in psychotherapy and disability support. Tiffany has held roles including owner/ operator of Nyernda Counselling & Psychotherapy and Team Leader of Disability Support for Outlook Incorporated. Joining I CAN Network in 2016, Tiffany has been instrumental in creating systems and processes to support Autistic staff to thrive. As Culture Manager (2016-18), Tiffany more than doubled the number of Autistic staff employed by I CAN. As Deputy CEO, Tiffany has oversight over I CAN Ltd’s child protection systems, human resources, and Network/ Regional Managers across Australia.

Stacey is an enrolled nurse and has a background in non-government organisations and the private healthcare sector. Stacey has previously held volunteer leadership roles in World Vision Australia Youth and Inspire Foundation. Stacey has a Bachelor of Psychological Science and a Masters in Autism Studies. Joining the I CAN Network in 2016, Stacey served as Executive Assistant and Speakers Agency Manager before overseeing the implementation of post-pilot national online programs from April 2019 onwards. Stacey oversees all aspects of the National Online Program, including staff management, content development, shift supervision, customer in-take, communications and reporting.